Cost to convert any video to DVD, Blu-Ray or formats suitable for streaming

  •  $1 per minute of video. For example:
    • 30 minutes = $30
    • 55 minutes = $55 or
    • 90 minutes = $90
  • If final product is DVD or Bluray any number of chapter points can be placed per customer's specifications. If a menu is desired, we can create a standardize or customized one at no additional cost for videos 90 minutes or over or for $25 for videos shorter than 90 minutes.
  • If final product is a streamed file (in MP4 format, which is what YouTube uses), we can provide a copy on disc (up to 4.7 GB) or upload to your web application (Google Drive (preferred), Dropbox, etc) as needed or we can provide it on a SD thumb drive. If you want a DVD/Bluray and a streamed version, add $10 for a streamed version of the video.
  • If the final product is Blu-Ray add $10 to the calculated costs above.
  • Additional DVD copies are $5 each; Bluray copies are $7.50 each.

If you need to discuss your needs further, contact us via the link below.