We can convert virtually any video material from tape to DVD or Digital MP4 files.  DVD offers:
A medium that is less subject or degradation over time.  While a DVD is not indestructible, it is less subject to wear under reasonable playing conditions, the data will last longer than VHS tape and DVD's don't jamb in DVD players the way VHS tape occasionally can.
Material that is better organized for playback.  The authoring, or menuing, available to DVD allows you to go directly to the material you want to watch.  This is contrasted with VHS tape in which you must fast forward to the spot you want.

MP4 is the format used for most digital uploads used on platforms like YouTube and Rumble.

  This can be transferred to you via some cloud service like iCloud or Google Drive or placed on a thumb drive for permanent storage

Why should Talos4 convert your video to DVD or MP4?

If done properly, the conversion process can be time consuming.  Since we generate DVD's and MP4 files all the time in our business, we can do this more efficiently than most consumers and at less effective time for us.
In creating the DVD itself, there are a number of key decisions that need to be made that affects the quality of the final video.  You can cram more than 2 hours on a single layer DVD but generally you shouldn't as the viewability of the final video will suffer especially if the source material is of low quality to begin with.  We can manage the encoding process carefully to optimize quality versus the amount of material you need to store.
If you want a professional treatment to the artwork on your DVD surface, the menu within the DVD and/or the case in which the DVD is contained, we can probably create these elements much easier than you can.
If your video material could benefit from some editing such as deleting spoiled or uninteresting footage or adding titles or graphics, we can perform these additional service for you.

What does it cost to convert video to DVD?

Prices to duplicate CD and DVD's in quantity