There are several ways to approach the sale and production of your dance recital video.

We produce the same Bluray or DVD product in all scenarios below. This includes a disc printed with an attractive graphic and an amray case to hold your disc(s). Videos can be mailed directly to the student/parent or to save money, they can be delivered to the studio for distribution.

  1. We can shoot, edit and produce your production and sell you the finished product for resale to your students and parents. We charge you a fixed price to shoot and edit the show(s) and a fixed price per video based on the total number of videos that are sold. 50 videos would cost more per unit than 100 videos for example. The length of each show and the complexity of the shoot (one or two cameras for example) would affect the costs to some extent. While this can be a profit making exercise for you, you should keep in mind that if you are the one selling the video to your students and parents, you will need to charge sales tax and deal with all of that. If you already have a sales tax account that would be a non-issue. If you don't it may affect how viable this is as an option.
  2. Alternatively we will shoot and edit the production as above except that we would sell the video directly to your students and parents. We have an extensive shopping cart infrastructure to handle such transactions. In such instances, if there are sufficient sales, we are open to sharing a percentage of the net sales with you after tax and shipping costs. In either event, we are happy to provide you with a reasonable number of copies of your performances for you and your staff.
  3. A variation for scenario 2 is that if you can actively promote the sale of the video such that close to 100% of your dance company is purchasing the video(s), we can drive down the sales price to make this as affordable as possible. Of course driving down the sales price affects the overall sales volume which is a factor on whether profit sharing is feasible.

Other considerations

  • We are committed to creating an approach to producing video for your company that works for you and your students and parents. We are willing to entertain any reasonable proposal to produce and sell a final product.
  • Once we produce a video, we keep that video in inventory for a long period of time so they are available to be ordered well after an event.
  • If you have specific requirements on how you want the video shot, we should review that well in advance.
  • In order to create the best experience on the video, capturing your music and other sound is critical. It is necessary in those cases to closely coordinate with the audio staff at the venue your perform at - usually a school - well in advance of the shoot.